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Tag Archives: poems

Han Bo’s “Chinese Eastern Railway” | 韩博《中东铁路》

My translation of Shanghai-based poet Han Bo’s nine-poem cycle 《中东铁路》 is up at the Berlin-based lyrikline, accompanying German translations by Daniel Bayerstorfer, Peiyao Chang and Lea Schneider. The poems are densely allusive, experimental and rooted in the complex layered history of the historic Chinese Eastern Railway running through Manchuria (contemporary Dongbei and Inner Mongolia and, in particular, the […]

Shanghai International Literary Festival appearances

    I’ll be reading and speaking at two SILF events. First, Saturday 11 March at 2pm, with Austin Woerner and Nina Powles, I’ll be reading a few poems and previewing the Thursday 16 6pm reading and panel discussion with Jen Bervin, Wen Jin and Jen Hyde. Thursday’s event has been long in the making, bringing […]

Target One

no thing clever to say isn’t nothing enough to have said and been done with

The Verses” and “What’s an Expat”

Richard Roundy continues to publish some of my long-time — and newly — favorite poets as poetry editor of the young webzine Across the Margin, and I’m grateful to join poets from Kit Robinson and Alan Bernheimer to Allison Cobb to Aaron Simon to Lewis Warsh and Paul Maziar, just to name a very few, with the second of two sets of […]

Expat Taxes

Expat Taxes is officially out and available on Amazon and via Seaweed Salad Editions. The book collects poems written over the past decade of living in Shanghai and is anchored by the long poem “Hello 2015” (a chunk of which The Brooklyn Rail published last April). The original plan was to publish “Hello” as a chapbook, but we […]


Envision white  light” flashpan Moment breached foamed searcher time Fashion sears the skies  splits sutures clouds Scars dark reticular  dusk swallows Bats flapping Twombly ink-washed sops arc Black static sonar  sky-blue hedge Yes-space with consciousness  Replaced blood with nitrous  Fizz the bonds in nerves no jest  Needle-jet thrust returning number- less reasons to get a new golf swing in the Atlantic […]


    The charge of silence — No poem works in my mind for more than a moment and that’s both the (remaining) attraction and the (growing) distraction. I mean more like more as in moar but also more like NO MORE, like more no moar, even though “no more” doesn’t get you a fraction of a strobe flash of […]

Working Titles

  List of Working Titles My Way Killings Zero Mark Essay Search Me United States v. Approximately 64,695 Pounds of Shark Fins Period Style Never Read Transcriptease Metic I Wish the Competition Would Come Up with Something New Faster Guess That Makes Two of Us Full Bleed Lachrymator Sentry Frog Money Emperor Shao If This Were a Test Embarrassing Product […]