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Tag Archives: expats

Soft focus, soft censorship, self-censorship: “Poetry,” “China,” and Biz Journo Expats

As much of a pleasure as it was to appear at the Shanghai International Literary Festival with Jen Bervin, Jen Hyde and Wen Jin, it was one mixed — as is always the case for me here in Shanghai — with significant measures of the odd and the off. Don’t get me wrong: One of the things I like about life in […]

Argument from Silence

      We have nothing in that fanciful or speculative relation The gap between our ears — the air that vibrates with these words Vocal cords to ear drums, the nerve bundles, signal-to-noise, our Ratio, the incentive to know one another’s minds Drop predictable experience here, abandon all hope Of anything but change O — O — the poetic O of apostrophe Thinking […]