Conspire… to breathe with? What’s the etymology? “It’s in the air,” phrase functions both as idiom and figure for info spread, of meaning, of memes (mememememe a chain of me-peeps linked, subverted we people w/ myth flipped, domination in the mix, an oscillating morpheme dependent on a Saussurean whir of m w m w m w m wmwmw feeding into (and off of) the eeeeeeeeeeee of machinery, of shrill terror, of power drills, constricted breath [or co-opted & conscripted inspiration?]) (and the m of core-word mama, grounded pleasure, mmm and the fear of loss and of myth and of origin and dreams of future bliss or return mmm … the www of indecision, wuh incompletion, words stuck on tongues and wha?… inquiries cried and screamed in cradles, needs its vowels, bodily hurled waaaa! and expirations, who? imagined and desired terminal coordinates when & where and always always always why?). It’s in the air a phrase of sheer terror (over the cliff, off the plank and into infested waters you go) or pure paranoia (viral, plutonian, contaminated [what’s the etymology?] contaminating contamination).
We exhale too you know.