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Category Archives: Poems


    The charge of silence — No poem works in my mind for more than a moment and that’s both the (remaining) attraction and the (growing) distraction. I mean more like more as in moar but also more like NO MORE, like more no moar, even though “no more” doesn’t get you a fraction of a strobe flash of […]

Dead Format Revival

  “My program is simple: to surrender to the city and survive its inundation.” The poet walks faster than her job. She meets another one at the bar. They are far up in a tree in the park. One human howls like a wolf while another hoots like an owl. Oil in the air where the breaks […]

POLLEN METH WEAPONS: Glitch translations, mistranslations, this translation’s ______

  I love scanning errors — errors produced by scanners — in general, and right now in particular I love the ones I’m hitting in the Penguin Kindle edition of Antigone (tr. Robert Fagles), which I’ve been reading because we’ll be kicking off the semester with a big discussion of Sophocles’ 2,454-year-old tragedy next week as part of freshman orientation. Here’s […]

Working Titles

  List of Working Titles My Way Killings Zero Mark Essay Search Me United States v. Approximately 64,695 Pounds of Shark Fins Period Style Never Read Transcriptease Metic I Wish the Competition Would Come Up with Something New Faster Guess That Makes Two of Us Full Bleed Lachrymator Sentry Frog Money Emperor Shao If This Were a Test Embarrassing Product […]

Search Me

  I don’t know spoken with right emphasis right tone? Notes no codes just us in conspiracy to welcome no state in which we may or may not know need nor care of deep desire but in little dashes assume days gone fiction/non- […] Full poem published on Across the Margin ____ Working Titles: Improvised poems following titles picked near-randomly […]

Argument from Silence

      We have nothing in that fanciful or speculative relation The gap between our ears — the air that vibrates with these words Vocal cords to ear drums, the nerve bundles, signal-to-noise, our Ratio, the incentive to know one another’s minds Drop predictable experience here, abandon all hope Of anything but change O — O — the poetic O of apostrophe Thinking […]

If This Were a Test

    The system would be wailing re: emergency the ambient drone overhead & throughout the world Hellfires everywhere?   And we, we would be meditating on the infinitesimal Real re: Emergency delivering ourselves & others a System   Tree to hang! 


1.No punctuation just repetition to let you know something else is to know not just repetition but relation in time the repetition creates with its drag and bad line breaks bad jokes and it is the best   because everything is poetry even when it is not very good very good very good if you […]